The supply chain is an integral part of your business, and it is one of the most crucial components to ensure the delivery of the product in good condition in the hands of the customers. 

In order to satisfy the customer, it is imperative that they receive the product without any damage. This step ensures cost efficiency and prevention of instances of reworking on loops whilst your business experiences growth in the short, medium and long term. 

The following steps ensure that there is no damage to the cargo in your supply chain. 

Efficient Packaging is a Must!

The most important step to say no to shipment damage is efficient packaging. Considering the fact that packaging costs are the minimum part of the total supply chain costs, therefore, adequate packaging practices will lower the overall overhead costs. So always go for the correct packaging and accurate size. 

Do not fall for the temptation of the extra slack as well as compression, apart from maintaining safeguarding against impacts. The packaging needs to be safe from any damage, without any holes, corner damage, tears, dents, punctures, bums or water damage. 

Embrace Adequate Palletizing Techniques

Make sure to standardize the dimensions of your packages and pair packages with the accurate pallet size, evading packaging being outside the pallet border or vacant spaces in between packages. Opt for corner posts and wrap them with stretch film to ensure that each handling unit remains stationary. To secure products on pallets properly it is important to have wrapping and proper tension. The boxes such as bricks should be kept on top while avoiding keeping pyramids on top. A frequent check and rotation of pallets is imperative to maintain a stock of usable pallets. 

Say No to Extra Handling And Reduce Manpower Resources with Right Labelling 

Labels are of great help to shippers to be decisive during the shipping process. A  label needs to show the content’s ability to bear extra weight. Incorporate the amount of weight the box or package can bear before being crushed and an indicator of breakable contents. Make sure to label each pallet properly with concise and visible information that is easy to recognise and without any damage. 

Upgrade the Loading Practices

Stacking should be similar and consistent. The weight needs to be equally distributed on the pallets and the height of the pallets uniform. The lightest load should be kept on the heavy load. 

In freight loading, systematic documentation, proper processes and procedures are indispensable. Say no to double-stacking carrots, opt for a cushion to prevent product destruction. 

Have An Effective Containerization Process

In essence, a container is a package that permits the storage and transport of goods without any harm of crashing due to its strength. It also helps to promote ease of handling with the help of proper machinery. 

Ensure that the load is distributed evenly on the ground, without any empty space. Make sure the containers are fully clean and do not contain any previous transport residues. 

Prevent Container from Rain and Sweat

Undoubtedly, prevention is way better than fixing the damage. Therefore, you should ensure proper ventilation, and opt for the right type of pallets and desiccants to keep up the level of dryness in containers. 

Warehouse Conditions as a Key Factor to Decrease Cargo Damage

A logical warehouse layout is a key towards smarter working. Make sure cross docks and warehouses have neat and clean aisles so that labor and equipment be carried easily. Ameliorate your warehouse space availability and load/unload trucks with the use of the right system. 

Adequate Material-handling Equipment

Opt for the equipment that adapts well to the situation. With great equipment, the speed and the effectiveness are enhanced and accidents can be decreased greatly. Ensure that all of your material handling equipment is functioning well. 

Upgrade Your Handling Practices

Handling practice should be perfect. However, there are many reasons such as work ethic, poor judgement, and lack of training that force employees to indulge in mishandling packages and that further cause product damage. Employees should be trained in the safe use of the equipment in the workplace. Training can go a long way in proper handling of the material. 

Overall, the aforementioned practices ensure that your supply chain confronts minimum cargo damage and you achieve 100 per cent client satisfaction goals.